Year: 2022

Blog ponder 8

Would you rather be the worst player on the team and wins the game or

would you rather be the best player on team and loses the game’s or

I’d rather be the worst player on the team and win the games because you would probably get good luck with shooting the basketball, would you be the worst player on the team and win the games?

Blog ya later. CJ




Best Camp site EVER!!! / Camp1 the best

The best week in ShakeSpears logde Camp1, my favourite actitvie was archy and kayaking on kayaking we were just practicing then we raced to andrew and beth after we voted for a game or to see a shipreck the shipreck got the most votes so we went to the shipreck, the ship was a steamer, we went to our next activite archy we learned how to shoot bow and arrows.

My Animal Heros

We did something about animals and these animals are my favortie animals like ants provide food for human beings and plants crops inside of the ground to make the food plants plant safely. And I like monkey it has some important jobs like to make us human beings laugh, they have to find food for there infant an other way of calling baby monkey, some of the other monkey live in the jungle and citys.

What is your favorite animal and what is your animal hero

Bye blogg ya later CJ.


Hi we went to TeTuhi Art Gallery and we drew and echted out our drawing then we went to see some other art, there was a lady named bree/brianna who helped us and she had some other people to help us we learnd new experience.

Have you been to TeTuhi?.

By CJ Blog ya later.